The Book of First Peter


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A nineteen-part series by Jerry Dueitt
The book of First Peter is a nineteen part series. This series is an in-depth study into the book of First Peter and explores this book chapter by chapter, verse by verse, and word by word.
Some of the topics covered in this series are:
  • Foreknowledge of God
  • Grace
  • Lively hope
  • Our inheritance
  • Faith
  • Trials
  • Holiness
  • Love
  • What to lay aside and what to desire
  • Who we are in Christ
  • Husbands and wives
  • How we should live
  • How to stand
  • The Book of First Peter is an exhortation of how we should live in good times as well as sufferings and hard times and how to stand in the grace of Jesus Christ. Our focus during trials should be on our salvation:what it is, what it means, how it works in our lives, and how it causes us to covercome every attack of the enemy.

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