God is Able or Can God? – Video




A two part series by Jerry Dueitt

Shadrach, Meschach, and Abednego refused to worship and live as the world demanded. Our born again status has put us in an ongoing spiritual war with the devil and the world. Are we as Christians willing to take a stand in faith against the dictates of the world or are we wanting to be accepted by them? The 3 Hebrew children were given one more chance or they were headed to the fiery furnace. Their answer was “God is able to deliver us”.

Daniel had a superior position, the King’s favor, and was trusted by the King. We should live as Daniel; he was faithful, neither was there any error or fault found in him. Instead of living this way, many in the church justify sin.

This message teaches us not to try to go around the battle, but tells us how we should live before, during, and after the battle. It tells us how to live our life, so that like the 3 Hebrew children and Daniel, “we will not serve your Gods” and there will be no “manner of hurt” found in us.


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